Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Curious Case Of Twins - Kodinhi (Kerala) and Umri (near Allahabad)

Kodinhi, a sleepy little town tucked away in the Malappuram district of Kerala, has managed to baffle scientists across the world. 

In a population of 2000, Kodinhi has 350 pairs of identical twins! It has rightfully earned the title of 'Twin Town.' 6 pairs of twins in every 1000 births is considered a high twinning rate. Kodinhi has a rate of 42 twins per 1000 births. This means, almost every family in Kodinhi has more than one pair of twins!
Mohammedpur Umri village, near Allahabad has a similar tale to tell. With over 60 pairs of identical twins in a total population of 900, Umri's twinning rate is 300 times the national average, and perhaps the highest in the world. 

Researchers believe that the cause might lie in the genes, but for others, it is the divine hand.

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